Dr Cynthiaann Hayes-Hurst DAOM, RRT, LMT
MM37443 AP3906
I have been working in healthcare since 1989. I am Nationally Board Certidified in 3 different healthcare fields, Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Massage and Bodywork, and Respiratory Therapy. I first graduated from Indian River Community College with a degree in Respiratory Therapy in 1993. I quickly set my sights on preventative medicine in the form of Massage therapy and graduated from Treasure Coast Massage School in 1995 I have worked in hospitals and outpatient cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation programs, consulted with many doctors in primary care, emergency care and preventative health over the past 30+ years always seeking another way to help people reach their wellness and healthcare goals. Finally in June 2014, while attended the annual Florida State Massage Therapy Association Conference I was inspired to act on my dream of improving healthcare. I enrolled in graduate school at Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine in August 2014 and completed both my Bachelors Degree in Health Science and Masters degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in 2017 and then received my Doctorate in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in 2022. I completed my Doctoral internship at Cleveland Clinic Martin Health in both the Emergency and Cardiopulmonary Medicine department (2017-2019). I am currently continuing my Holistic Wellness and Longevity training with the Shaolin Temple Yunnan with Shi Fu Shi Yan Jun online at learn.shaolintemple.com



Herbal Medicine


Massage Therapy

Essential Oils

TCM Skin Care

Gua Sha

Longevity Exercises
Tai Chi, Qi Gong

Myoskeletal Alignment
for mobility and pain relief
Believe it or not your mindset is very important to your health. Medical Meditation is a tool used to engage your brain in the healing process. Meditation is helpful in reducing stress, controlling anxiety, improving self awareness, improved focus and attention, controls pain, and can decrease blood pressure, cortisol and inflammatory cytokines just to mention a few benefits. These are evidence based scientific findings of research and can be found online at pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
When you are in tune with your body you are able to make the small changes needed to maintain health daily. Due to our lifestyles, work and health habits it is easy to lose our self awareness in the shuffle. Developing daily habits to “check in” can help.
Regardless of your current health status, improvements through mental awareness and positive focus, longevity exercises and nutritional focus can be benefit your health.
Everything that we do everyday has the ability to improve or worsen our health. The balance of our bodies depend on our ability to be aware of ourselves.. This means over working, over worrying, over exercising, over eating, etc. The opposite not working or moving enough, not eating enough, lack of self motivation is also not healthy. Everything in moderation is the best approach to achieve optimal wellness.
Acupuncture, Massage, Nutrition, Exercise and Herbal Medicine – scientific evidence based practices for optimum health.
Come experience natural care for:
- Pain Relief and Mobiility
- Preventative Health/ Wellness and Longevity
- Anxiety/Stress
- Immune Support
- Functional Nutrition
- Neurological Conditions
- Orthopedic Conditions
- Gastrointestinal Conditions
- Respiratory Conditions
- Complex clinical presentations
- Pain Relief and Mobiility
- Preventative Health/ Wellness and Longevity
- Anxiety/Stress
- Immune Support
- Functional Nutrition
- Neurological Conditions
- Orthopedic Conditions
- Gastrointestinal Conditions
- Respiratory Conditions
- Complex clinical presentations
Fort Pierce, FL 34982